The flooding in Georgetown is a health hazard

Dear Editor,


Once again I am no exception to the widespread inundation that has occurred in the capital city of Guyana, Georgetown on Tuesday.

In a previous letter to Stabroek News on the flooding in Georgetown in December, I pointed out some health hazards associated with this type of flooding.  Given our poor environmental record, our dilapidated sewerage system and the ease with which water from floods penetrates all areas of Georgetown, there is a great risk that our drinking water system could be contaminated leading to an epidemic such as cholera, and the spread of certain types of hepatitis.  Water-borne illnesses can also be contracted.   May the authorities be reminded that the outbreak of cholera among Rwandan refugees in Zaire in 1994 took thousands of lives. We have to stop the blame game and act now to avoid any such catastrophe.

Yours faithfully,
Hilmon Henry