Interviews and photos by Dacia Whaul
‘Well I am living here for thirty-five years now and the road has never been graded, since it was last graded in 2011. The government pays the NDC to weed, but every time they weed is only up to the second bridge. Is only half of the road was fixed three times. Why we can’t get a proper road front to back?’
‘The road is affecting me. We have children who have to go to school and with this road it hard to get your rations in the back. My bus broke up because of the state of this road and that is the cause why I had to stop doing poultry business. So we need a good road and drainage.’
‘I would like to see the development of this road. Due to the badness of the road, people had to stop farming. If they fix the road and drainage people will be able to farm. Look, I am a grandmother, and it hard to see my grandchildren punish to come out especially when the rain fall. This road run till to the Hauraruni Bridge and if it do, we can have more development.’
‘The road affecting my business. The drainage is affecting we too, we have children to take to school, and when it rains we can’t send them cause they can’t make it through the mud.’
Debra Lowe, housewife
‘The road and drainage affecting me. We got water and light but we need the bushes cleared. We have children and we ain’t getting vehicle to carry we in and out of here. So we are kindly asking for a good road.’
Rodrick Henry, farmer/ businessman
‘The road affecting me too. Another thing is that we don’t really have road lights at the back here. When we put up lights we self, GPL said they coming to take it down. Almost three years now I can’t access my farm because there is no proper drainage. The place drowning with water… they start putting down pipes, but they ain’t coming to finish it.’
‘Well the road. We need a better road and we getting too much power outages.’
‘Me can’t get light. Every time me go they tell me I need documents to prove I living there. Is twenty years I living here I can’t get a transport for me land, that’s what affecting me.’
‘I get light, phone and water, but they ain’t issuing a title for the land I deh on. Is forty-six years I living here and can’t get a title for me land yet.’
Raymond Ramniranjan, tradesman
‘The road is a major problem. Not only the main road but also the cross street. We also need them to look at the drainage.’