Resignation welcomed on lower East Coast

Dear Editor,

Chatting with several of my friends and colleagues and bona fide tax and ratepayers after reading the best local government news for a long time in the local press, namely, that the incumbent Minister of Local Government is reported to have resigned his job as the minister responsible for the administration of this country’s Neighbourhood Democratic Councils, it was repeatedly said that this was a good thing. Some stated this was long overdue as he was only operating on auto pilot and did not have a clue as to what was going on in this country when it came to ministering to local government.

Along the East Coast not one of the local NDCs is displeased about his resignation, as for a long time they thought this is a matter long overdue, and most residents are pleased too. Editor, in addition, from the information available, most local government councillors along the East Coast of Demerara are pleased about this subtle move.

It is the hope of most taxpayers on the lower East Coast also that whoever is appointed the new minister of local government would investigate the administration of the LBI/Better Hope Neighbourhood Democratic Council as the perception is that there were irregularities taking place there.

Currently all the villages of the East Coast of Demerara are suffering from poor drainage. In the case of the NDC of LBI/ Better Hope some drains are artificially blocked while some are neglected resulting in flooding and damage to taxpayers’ valuable properties. The roads are cheaply built and are already damaged. Some business persons are allowed to break the law and escape from the law to the inconvenience of local residents, while the NDC turns its eyes the other way pretending it did not see or hear the cries or concerns of local residents.

May I take this opportunity to congratulate whoever would be appointed as the new local government minister and ask him or her to order a thorough investigation of the NDC of LBI/Better Hope.


Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)