This week we asked ten men and women living along the Essequibo Coast to talk about the issues affecting them the most and what they would like to see improved. Their comments follow:

Akesha Shamsudeen, teacher trainee, Charity – ‘I’ve been living in Charity for almost 18 years and I’ve noticed many problems that I would like to change in my community. But the most important one is the proper disposal of garbage. Over the years the garbage situation has risen in Charity. And this could affect the health of the citizens and also breed rodents. Since Charity will soon become a town, I think that the Chairman should have more bins around Charity and also have workshops on how to dispose of garbage properly. Once the environment is clean Charity could be a tourist attraction.’
Kevin Glasgow, policeman, Anna Regina – ‘ I would like to see in the community where I’m living that owners of animals, whether goats, donkeys, sheep or cows, place more emphasis on keeping them off the roadways. One of the main contributory factors to accidents on the roadways is stray animals. If persons keep their animals off the road, accident rates will decrease and we will be about to live in a safer society.’
Annalisa Sukhai, ICIS data entry clerk, Jibb – ‘I have been a resident of Jibb Housing Scheme for approximately 10 years and there are a variety of problems I think could be improved within my community, some of which are drainage and proper streets. My main focus is on the street. When we first moved into the area, the street was made of loam but gradually, it improved over time.
However, that didn’t last very long because of the use of heavy vehicles and the misuse of the normal vehicles. I personally think that the street can be used as it was before and something should be done to improve the street. When this is done, persons living in my area will be able to use a street that is well done without potholes that affects not only vehicles but humans as well.’

Nelly Dwarka, sales clerk, Henrietta Scheme – ‘I’m living through Barber Street in Henrietta and I think that the most important thing that needs to be improved is the drainage. Whenever the rain falls torrentially, the place floods but if

we had proper drainage, the water would have been able to withdraw from the land more easily. Another thing that we need is street lights through Barber Street because it is usually very dark.’
Oudit Narain, vendor, Aurora – ‘There is a lot of backland where I’m living, and a few years back, former agriculture minister Robert Persaud and former president Bharrat Jagdeo promised to open these lands. This was never done. We have a lot of youths living in Aurora who are unemployed and they will get engaged in negative things. There should be a playground so they can occupy their time. The playground can also help them to keep active and fit.’
Mekesha George, cosmetologist, Westbury – ‘Well, in my village, the only thing that is needed at present is a better sports ground. We have a lot of young people in the village and I would prefer that instead of them being engaged in negative activities, they can do meaningful things. If the sports ground is improved, then the youths will be able to develop physically and to some extent mentally too because they will have to use their brain. So that is the one most important improvement I would like to see in my village in the near future.’
Mas Ramnauth, electrician, Plantation Phillips – ‘In Plantation Phillips, we have a drainage problem; when it rains, the place floods. If we had better drainage and irrigation, this would not happen, so I think something should be done about this problem. I would like to see this problem rectified because of the health hazard that the floods bring. Many persons get sick and the children often get rashes on their foot, so I will be satisfied if drainage and irrigation become a priority to be improved.’

Naipaul Lall, vendor, La Belle Alliance – ‘I can say that in my community we should have better drainage and so on, but I would like to differ and say that the most important thing that should be improved in my community is the way in which rice farmers are treated. You see, the government needs to look after the rice farmers and when they do this, the physical things in the community will be improved because these same farmers will pay heed to drainage and irrigation problems and so on. Rice farmers should get payments on time so they can be satisfied with all the hard work they have done. As I mentioned earlier, when the farmers are treated right, all the bad

streets and bad drainage will be looked after and we will all live comfortably and happily.’
Natasha De Silva, domestic engineer, Devonshire Castle – ‘In Devonshire Castle, I live through the Old Road and believe me, the road is indeed old.
The potholes are so deep that when the vehicles go through, the bottoms graze the ground. I can remember one time when a couple of men maybe from the region went to my village and did some measurements on the road, but nothing was done to the road up until now. I think that measures should be taken to enhance the Old Road. That’s my major concern at this point that needs improvement in my community because it is causing serious damage to persons’ vehicles. I want to add that in this region, occupations should be provided for the young people who have just completed school because most if not all of the youths are unemployed.’
John Anthony Williams, DVD vendor, Suddie Sandpit – ‘I’m a man with a big family and in Suddie Sandpit, the place is not standard to live. We have no proper water, no proper drainage and vehicles don’t work there. If you want to go somewhere, you have to walk. Where I live, the place needs more than one thing to improve on, so I just can’t tell you one, I have to mention all. The land is low so the place sink. All the poor people get all the bad land and the rich ones get good land. This should definitely not be so, so I would like to see an improvement in the building up of the land in the Sandpit area. We as residents should be able to live comfortably without getting sicknesses and diseases when the place floods. That is my reason why the land should be built higher.’