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Anger and corruption – relationship dynamics

(Guest contribution)

We should be happy to live in a country where every citizen is free to express the way they feel (at least within the structures of the law). When I look at society, particularly the Guyanese society, I see and feel anger emanating from its citizens. Well, anger is the first word that comes to mind when I have these encounters.

I cannot help but to think about the behaviour of these people and reflect on their facial expressions, body language, responses, and manners of speech.   Rather than just thinking that these people are being rude and lack class on all levels, I think that these can be expressions of frustration, hurt, displacement, misunderstanding and/or just plain indifference.  When we experience, hear, or see ‘corruption’, I cannot help but to see and feel the exact same expressions from people.

 A special relationship?

So, can I say that anger and corruption are connected in a special relationship?  Of course, this would depend on which side of the corruption ‘river’ one occupies. Those ‘receiving’ will tell a different story than those who are being stripped of their livelihood and well-being. There is also another story of those who wade in the murky waters that make this river so narrow that one can step across at certain junctures.

When I look at this relationship of anger and corruption, it almost brings forth a debate similar to the chicken and the egg: Which one came first? The chicken or the egg? So, here did anger precede corruption or did corruption precede anger? Does anger cause corruption or does corruption cause anger?

 Natural vs. unnatural

I really am not intentionally attempting to hurt anyone’s head in trying to make you answer any of the above. My point of this article is to reveal a link between an age old custom that permeates borders of all countries and infects all societies, manifesting itself in many different forms within the biological functions of each and every human being.

This custom appears natural but is unnatural in its conception, gestation, and manifestation.  A human being is natural in all respects. Why is it then that something so unnatural can so easily infect all that is natural?

Those with faith and belief in a higher being will claim that all that is unnatural is evil. I do not think I can argue with that in this case.

Those who believe in the sciences might claim that there is a scientific basis for the existence of corruption such as it balances the economic and social fabric of society. Likewise, the economists will state that the existence of corruption has a direct effect on the strength of the nation’s economy.

 What is anger?

Anger is a “strong feeling of displeasure, annoyance, or hostility.” Another definition states that anger is a “natural emotion”. One thing that I want to point out is that anger is reactive. It is a response that can be destructive and protective, sometimes at the same time.

 Biological effects

When a person experiences anger for a lengthy period of time, he/she can experience many health problems such as aches and pain, particularly in the back and head, high blood pressure, sleep problems, problems with digestion, skin disorders, and an impaired immune system. These problems affect the way our natural biology functions. We spend our entire lives trying to keep our bodies in good working condition. Why would we want something like anger to destroy our bodies?

 Psychological effects

Anger can also lead to psychological problems such as depression, reduced self-confidence, eating disorders, alcoholism, substance abuse, and self-injury.

If a society such as ours is so visibly angry, how is it physically and mentally capable of functioning? I am well aware that there are many other factors that contribute to feelings of anger. However, I am writing here to the infection of corruption. These biological and psychological effects of anger are experienced by those who occupy the opposite side of the ‘river’ from those who benefit from acts of corruption. I do not have statistical data to correspond with the total number of citizens who harbour feelings of anger due to corruption nor do I have data revealing the number of citizens who are both biologically and psychologically suffering from acts of corruption (a feat that I may take up one day). However, I do know that when I observe citizens and interact with them daily, I can make an educated guess that something is not wholly right with them when they make negative statements about certain people and institutions that are supposed to function for the benefit of the citizenry.

This special relationship between anger and corruption cannot be underestimated especially in a country this small. On the same note, we cannot dismiss it because it exists all over the developed world. This developing country is in a gestation period where this relationship can turn into a full-fledged violent one if you do not already believe that it has.

The relationship needs to be nurtured from its early stages in order for citizens to heal from the physical and mental trauma that it causes. We are somewhat distanced from the anger passed on from colonial slavery and indentureship since many citizens today will hesitate to fight for their rights of the whole. We are in a society where there is a tendency for “dog eat dog,” every person for himself or herself. When we ask “how are you doing?” do we really care about that other person or are we thinking about how that person will benefit us now or in the future?

 Is there a solution?

All the solutions that may exist in my brain will not amount to anything unless people believe that this country will not be physically and mentally healthy unless relationships are nurtured and we can once again become patriotic toward the necessary freedoms and basic rights of each and every citizen.  Healing will begin when everyone believes that corruption destroys people.  If this does not happen, Guyana will no longer be a country that stands for its citizens. It will become a disease that will be in need of medication that has yet to be invented.

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