Dear Editor,
It is time for the young generation of Guyana (the future leaders) to stand up not only for their rights but for their future endeavours before it is too late. Our country presently is in a state of corruption and confusion because of our politicians; the leaders seem all out of creative and cooperative ideas and are plainly destroying Guyana before our very eyes. Will our children and their children be able to sing ‘O beautiful Guyana, O our lovely native land’? We need to take back this country ‒ our country. Youth unemployment is very high causing a breakdown in the system resulting in an increase in murders, physical and sexual assaults, suicides, drug-trafficking and police brutality, amongst much more, and the young people are directly affected.
Something must be done. Our resources are being used slowly but surely and leaving this country, our country, in a disastrous mess, our lives in a terrible way. Who would have thought that in the 21st century living in Guyana could be the misery the youths are experiencing here? The younger generation must begin to accept their roles as future leaders, and start demanding a better quality of existence for themselves with an eye to their future welfare. The government turns a blind eye to our problems as if we mean nothing. How do they sleep at nights?
We are ambitious; each and every youth of this country is empowered with unlimited potential. All we need to do is unite as people and together we can reach great heights. The youths of Guyana should furiously seek to collectively develop our country and our lives as a whole. Is that too much to ask of people with similar tribulations? It matters not our race or status in society; we must unite for Guyana for in the end we must accept the fact that United We Stand, Divided We Fall and forever remember our motto ‘One People, One Nation, One Destiny.’
Yours faithfully,
Nkosei Williams