Two men accused of conspiring to fraudulently obtain nearly $3M worth of building equipment from a city hardware store are now on bail.
Floyd George, 27, of Sophia, and Kevin Bacchus, 28, of 140 Regent Street, Bourda, denied that they conspired to swindle National Hardware Guyana Ltd of $2,923,227 worth of building equipment when they appeared in a city court yesterday.
It is alleged that Bacchus, a technician, on February 18, presented a Republic Bank cheque #65748329 to the

hardware store, knowing same to be forged.
It is further alleged that George, a cook, on February 21, turned up at the hardware store to uplift the materials purchased with the cheque.
According to Police Prosecutor Deneashwar Maindranauth, after Bacchus made the purchase with the fake cheque, George showed up on February 21 to uplift the purchased items, only to be told that the cheque had bounced. He said both were subsequently arrested and during investigations they claimed that a man gave the cheque to them.
With no objections to bail from Maindranauth except that it be set at a substantial amount, Magistrate Fabayo Azore granted Bacchus $150,000 bail, while George was granted $100,000 bail.
The case will be called again on March 18.