Dear Editor,
As a student of Zeeburg Secondary School I am ashamed of my home away from home. The building is one of the poorest, if not the poorest facility in Region 3 in terms of secondary schools. Several of the columns on which the building sits are damaged to the extent that part of the building has been abandoned because of fear of a collapse (see photo). The building houses some four hundred children. This building is located at the seawall, exposing it to high winds. There are no functioning toilet facilities for teachers or students, who can be seen urinating in public. There is no running water available. Textbooks for students and teachers are unavailable in many subject areas. As the Ministry of Education is focusing on improving performances in English and Mathematics, my Mathematics teacher is notably absent for lengthy periods, and neglects duties.
One thing is sure, none of this money was spent at Zeeburg Secondary School.
Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)
Editor’s note
We are sending a copy of this letter to Ms Delma Nedd, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education for any comment she might wish to make.