Stabroek News

‘Political posturing’ about the Rodney COI surprising

Dear Editor,

I was very humbled and privileged to chair a talk by Walter Rodney’s widow, Dr Patricia Rodney, at the Embassy of Guyana in Beijing last September on his rich legacy. Dr Rodney was full of hope for the Commission of Inquiry into her husband’s assassination. She had no cavils or doubts.

This makes all the more surprising the political posturing – for it is thus – by the elements of the parliamentary opposition in Guyana including, surprisingly, Walter’s own party, the WPA, about the composition and terms for the Rodney COI.

Surely it is time to bury these historical enmities and deliver the truth at long last to the Rodney family? Guyana owes that to Pat Rodney and to Walter.

 Yours faithfully,

John Mair

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