Stabroek News

Why publish Bisram’s poll results?

Dear Editor,

I am completely baffled as to why a reputable paper such as Stabroek News would publish bogus polls by Vishnu Bisram.  He is trying to deceive Guyanese by skewing his polls in favour of the PPP even though they dumped him after the 2011 elections when he predicted that they would win a landslide.

In Guyana, no one seems to know anyone who he interviewed and furthermore, there is no polling organization with the abbreviation of NACTA. It means the North American Teachers Association.

I am an avid reader of Stabroek News but am disappointed with the editorial staff for publishing such polls without verifying them.  My advice to the editorial staff at Stabroek is to please verify before publishing Mr Bisram’s nonsense.

Yours faithfully,

Donna Kendall

Editor’s note

The Stabroek News did not publish the polls in a news report, which would have required some level of verification on our part to give them credibility. They appeared in the form of letters to the editor and as such, have received no endorsement from this newspaper.   

More in Letters to the Editor

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