By Kenesha Fraser
The Region Two (Pomeroon/ Supenaam) yesterday held its Bi-Annual Math, Science and Technology Fair at the Anna Regina Secondary School.
The fair, which was divided into two parts—judging and oral presentations— provided an opportunity for all of the schools in Region Two to participate.
Regional Education Officer of Region Two Baramdai Seepersaud said that the Math,

Technology and Science fair is an important event and the focus is to give learners the opportunity to use their knowledge, skills and expertise under the guidance of teachers to come up with new and innovative ways to solve crucial and pressing problems in their environment.
“This year, the Regional Science Fair will allow our learners to demonstrate their expertise in the areas of Pure Science, Information Technology and other technical and pre-vocational areas including Agricultural Science and Home Economics,” she said. “The scope of participation has been broad-based with participants from nursery through secondary.”

She added that the exhibits that were showcased were a sample of the skill and expertise that will take our place in the near future.
She then announced that the National Science, Mathematics and Technology Fair, billed for April 22 – 25, will be held in Essequibo. National Science Coordinator and guest speaker at the event Petal Jettoo said that science must be taught with its history and the Ministry of Education’s aim is to serve everyone in that capacity.
“Climate change has destroyed special species without us knowing and as such, science and technology are important for students…,” she noted. “Local community problems are demonstrated and as such, I urge everyone to view the exhibits and look for ways in which you can implement the projects as you walk through the classrooms. With the ideas of these young minds, let us strive to grow and build a greener society.”
The Bi-Annual Math, Science and Technology Fair, 2014, held under the theme ‘Science, Mathe-matics and Technology: Providing Solutions for the 21st Century,’ was declared open by Coordinator of the fair Deodat Singh.

The New Opportunity Corps Steel Pan performed several musical renditions to the pleasure of the audience.
The best projects from all of the 11 educational districts will represent Guyana at the Sagicor Visionaries Challenge.

The challenge encourages secondary school students around the Caribbean to identify an issue facing their school and use Science Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) to come up with a sustainable solution. The winning school in each country is invited to the final competition in Barbados and the winners to a seven-day STEM ambassador programme in Florida, USA.