The nutrition of companion animals (pets) has received considerable interest during the recent decades, and certain large manufacturers of dog and cat foods have conducted extensive research and feeding trials, in order to establish nutritious diets that need no supplementation. US federal law requires that all dog food manufacturers (including those producing the pet foods we get here in Guyana) provide a listing of ingredients in their rations. However, the required labels often do not contain enough information for you to optimally compare one dog food with another. (See also NB (2) below.)
Well-known manufacturers, noted for their research, generally produce good quality dog/cat foods you can trust. In general, commercial dry or soft-moist foods are more reliably balanced products than canned rations. Canned meat may be added to the dry food (kibble) for palatability, but should not exceed 25 per cent of the total daily ration. (See also comments below under the heading NB (1).)
One of the best ways to gauge the effectiveness of a product is to observe its effect upon a dog’s stool. Poor quality protein passes through a