Dear Editor,
Stabroek News dated March 15, 2014 featured a letter under the caption, ‘Royal runaround from NIS.’
NIS is in possession of claims for Funeral and Survivors Benefits from Germina Rampersaud in relation to her deceased husband, Arjune Rampersaud NIS: A-3057551.
The claims have not been processed due to three queries of which one has been resolved. The other two are:
1. A query relating to the legibility of the deceased person’s registration of death form, which cannot be used.
2. A query about the surname on the claimant’s birth certificate being different from the surname stated on her marriage certificate.
It was explained to the claimant by the Pension Section what needs to be done.
The National Insurance Scheme wishes to reassure the claimant that payments will be made as soon as the necessary requirements are met.
Yours faithfully,
Dianne Lewis-Baxter
Publicity & Public Relations
National Insurance Scheme