The Preliminary Inquiry (PI) to determine whether Orin Kevin Roberts, the accused in the 2011 murder of the owner of Rachpaul’s Drugstore, will stand trial is scheduled to commence on May 19.
Prosecutor Bharat Mangru announced that the investigations have been completed and asked the court for a date for a report. Mangru further mentioned that 18 witnesses are to offer evidence in the PI.
Subsequently Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry set the date for commencement.
Roberts, a bus conductor of Lot 3 ‘C’ Field Sophia, is being represented by attorney Adrian Thompson.
It is alleged that sometime between August 18 and 19, 2011, he murdered Harold Rachpaul, 84, of 75 Robb Street, Lacytown, in the midst of burgling his business place.