Dear Editor,
Our problems can’t be fixed if vindictive politics continue to get the better of us. It’s contagious and destructive. It’s safe to say that I don’t support the politics of any of the political parties in this state. Our government isn’t accountable, and I, like the majority of Guyanese don’t know what the opposition is doing.
Then we have grown folks and young people alike using the internet, especially Facebook to peddle their own political ideologies, and some peddling political propaganda to the masses, most of which is bent and reflects some sort of hatred for the other side.
Divide and rule should be a thing of the past, if you truly want change. Be prepared to love your foes and those who you think are the reason for everything that is wrong with Guyana. There is an adage that was told to me couple years ago as a teenager and I understand why it’s so today: “Those who are convinced against their will are of the same opinions still.”
If we continue to ‘buse’ our foes and walk around stamping the ground mad at the world because they are basically messing up, what is that going to change?
I know one day that everything that is wrong in Guyana will be fixed. I believe it, I believe it.
You and me, we are all it takes for change to happen.
Yours faithfully,
Orin Phillips
Founder & Executive Director
Youths for Guyana