Dear Editor,
Most residents of Chateau Margot were this morning shocked to learn that Selena, a 46-year-old waitress, who was alleged to have been involved in an argument with a group of patrons at the Country Club bar in Chateau Margot, ECD, was fatally shot after one of the men pulled out a firearm.
Editor, despite the fact that Chateau Margot is a peaceful hamlet on the East Coast, it has a sub-station policing group building literally in the middle of this rural community along Chimney Road. Any casual observer can witness that almost every week several police vehicles are parked in front of the building a stone’s throw away from the Country Club night spot.
We also learnt that regularly the police and other policing groups’ personnel along the East Coast frequent that outpost building for regular policing briefings.
Several residents at various times have had reason to meet with that East Coast policing group to express their concern about the rise in petty and serious crime occurring in the Chateau Margot community, but the resident community policing officials here, snug in their official positions do not adequately and promptly deal with the curbing of a rising crime situation or complaints, but just ignore them.
We think that the Minister of Home Affairs should give consideration to complaints coming from disgruntled residents about the use of the policing vehicle and petrol for personal and domestic use instead of for crime-fighting.
Mr Rohee, the astute Minister, should investigate this anomaly forthwith. But will he?
On an end note Editor, that night spot where that unfortunate victim was fatally shot is also a ‘day spot.’ It is also visited by some policing personnel, but not for policing matters or crime-fighting.
Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)