Expressions for Theatre Guild

Shakespeare, Walcott and poetry are set to be played on a single stage in a one-night performance called ‘Expressions’ at the Theatre Guild, next Friday, May 16.

A Gems Theatre Productions presentation, ‘Expressions’ is expected to feature the likes of such veterans as Ron Robinson, Derek Gomes, Jennifer Thomas and Russell Lancaster. Experienced elocutionists Ian Mc Donald, Vanda Radzik and Petamber Persaud are also expected to do readings. The audience should also expect to be thrilled by rave spoken word masters including Yaphet Jackman and Kojo McPherson.

Nuriyyih Gerrard, Mark Luke Edwards, Randy Critchlow and other bright young stars will also perform.

‘Expressions’ will feature also the works of Martin Carter, AJ Seymour, Wordsworth McAndrew, David Dabydeen, Paul Keens Douglas, Louise Bennett and many others.

The event is being staged at the Theatre Guild Playhouse, Parade Street, Kingston and tickets, which cost $1,000 each, are available at the Guild, Oasis Café and Nigel’s Supermarket. It starts promptly at 20:00 hrs.


  Ron Robinson
Ron Robinson

Nuriyyih Gerrard

Nuriyyih Gerrard

      Derek Gomes
Derek Gomes
 Jennifer Thomas
Jennifer Thomas
Kojo McPherson
Kojo McPherson
    Yaphet Jackman
Yaphet Jackman
Vanda Radzik
Vanda Radzik
Randy Critchlow
Randy Critchlow