(Barbados Nation) The Central Bank of Barbados issued the following release today in response to the issue which has arisen between the Bank and The Nation Publishing Co.
Last Friday, Governor Dr DeLisle Worrell sent a letter to the Chief Executive Officer and Publisher Vivian-Anne Gittens, stating: “Consequent upon the lack of professional integrity manifest in the NATION’s Front Page headline of Thursday May 8, you should be aware that NATION/SUN staff will not be invited to any future Press conference or media event hosted by myself as Governor of the Central Bank.”
Today’s release states:
The Central Bank of Barbados respects and embraces freedom of the press and the importance of the dissemination of timely and accurate information and as such has not banned the Nation Corporation.
The front page of the Sunday Sun of May 11, 2014, carried the headline “Cut Off”. The Bank assures media practitioners in Barbados as well as the public at large that it will continue to keep all media houses fully abreast of all developments on economic and other pertinent matters which fall under its purview, including the Nation Publishing Company, as is normal.
The Nation Publishing Company will receive all Press Releases and other communications issued by the Central Bank, and all media houses and the general public have free access to the Central Bank’s website, where all our statements, reports, data and speeches, and all other publications are posted