(de Ware Tijd) PARAMARIBO — Financial gain from Kersten seems to be bigger than the religious and historical interests to retain the Kersten building. The Moravian Church Foundation (MCF) has decided to finalize the plans it has with the building. The group that protested sale of the building to Chinese investors admits it has not been able to get enough support to stop the plans. At a press conference yesterday by the Moravian Church, the sale of the building for US$ 11 million was announced. ‘We’re not giving up,’ Clifford Marica of the protesters says. He claims the MCF has not completed the deal with the Chinese yet. ‘Although MCF claims the deal was sealed we have information that the buyers have until 1 July to pay, so there is always a possibility to nullify the deal,’ Marica said hopeful. The group has no concrete plans yet to continue its protest. A lawsuit is useless because the organization has the right to sell the building. However, Marica and his group want to put an end to the conflict of interest in this issue. ‘MCF members are also on the supervisory board, which means they have to report to themselves,’ Marica explains.