The first Board of Directors of the Caribbean Association of Professional Statisticians (CAPS): From left are, International Representative, Eric Rancourt, Director, International Cooperation Division, Statistics Canada; Vice President, Statchel Edwards, Chief Statistician, Statistics Department, Ministry of Finance, Economy and Public Administration, Antigua and Barbuda; Secretary, Gatlin Roberts, Chief Statistician, Finance Statistical Office, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Central Planning Division, St. Vincent and the Grenadines; Vice President, Iwan Sno, Director, General Bureau of Statistics, Suriname; Representative, Council of Chapters, Carol Coy, Director-General, Statistical Institute of Jamaica; President, Dr. Philomen Harrison, Project Director, Regional Statistics, CARICOM Secretariat; Treasurer, Sonia Jackson, Former Director-General, Statistical Institute of Jamaica; and Dave Clement, Former Director of Statistics, Central Statistical Office, Trinidad and Tobago. The first meeting of CAPS was held in St. George’s, Grenada, on Thursday. (Caricom photo)