AFC concerned most students ‘falling through the cracks’

The Alliance For Change (AFC) has congratulated all the students who were successful at the recent National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) but remains concerned about the large percentage of students that are “still falling through the cracks.”

The party recognises that behind these individuals successes are long hours of toil and hard work by the students, their parents and teachers. “It is a partnership that produces success,” the group said in a press release.

“But even as we celebrate,” a large percentage of students are completing their primary education with an insufficiently strong foundation in the core subject areas, namely English and Mathe-matics, on which to build in the future. “Revela-tions by the Ministry of Education itself has highlighted that overall passes in Mathematics amongst our students have declined to an alarming rate,” the press release said, adding that it is calling for an urgent analysis of the methods used in teaching this core subject to be re-examined and a comprehensive programme of remedial education be instituted countrywide to address the problem.

“This year’s results also suggest that children who have the misfortune of attending a public school with insufficient facilities and resources, and reduced parental guidance are at a much greater risk of failing,” the AFC said. The party also asserted that in this technological age ways must be found to guarantee that all the nation’s youth are given a solid basic education that includes the ability to read, write and understand the principles of Mathematics at an above average level. This is crucial to the future development of the country.

The AFC stands ready to assist in any way it can, recognising that only a proactive approach will remedy the current situation. “The least we as a nation can do for our children is to guarantee them a solid primary education,” the party said.