5 Must-tries in Guyana

20140621pink cynthiaHi Everyone,  If you had to come up with 5 food (food & beverage) items that people visiting Guyana must try, what would they be?

As I sat on a LIAT flight to Guyana, I picked up ZING (the in-flight magazine), which is always a good read. Staring back at me on the cover was the very talented and beautiful Tessanne Chin, season 5 winner of the popular music talent show, The Voice. I thumbed through the pages and came upon my good friend Alica Senhouse’s 5 things that you must try in Guyana; she lives in the United States of America. Alica recommends the Buxton-spice Mango, Egg-ball with Mango Sour, Mithai (crunchy Kurma), Pholourie and Black Pudding. I was so glad that I was heading to Guyana! I made a note to eat Alica’s 5 must-tries, but in my case, it was a must-have.


1. Buxton-spice mangoes. Check.

2. Black Pudding. Check, with mango sour.

3. Egg-ball. Well, sort of check. I say sort of because, for me, the egg-ball coating must be made of cassava not potatoes. An egg-ball with potatoes