Stabroek News

Three chikungunya cases in T&T

(Trinidad Express) Chikungunya, commonly known as CHIKV, has entered 26 Caribbean countries and “it is spreading at one country per week”, Dr James Hospedales, executive director of the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), said yesterday.

Chikungunya is a viral disease which is spread by the dreaded aedes aegypti mosquito, which also spreads dengue fever. It is characterised by severe pains in the joints. In the dialect of a tribe in East Africa, CHIKV, means “that which bends you up.”

Asked to give an update on the status of CHIKV, Hospedales, in a telephone interview, said: “The Ministry of Health has confirmed three people got CHIKV based on the lab tests at CARPHA. It is spreading at one country a week. What has been predicted for some time has come to pass because 26 Caribbean countries have reported cases since it entered in December last year. It recently got into the big islands like Haiti and Dominican Republic. It is in Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela.”

Hospedales confirmed there have been three cases locally. Yesterday, in newspaper advertisements, Health Minister Dr Fuad Khan confirmed there were three cases of chikungunya infection locally. The release also called upon the population to practise protective measures, including wearing loose-fitting clothing and getting rid of old tyres.

On the eve of World Health Day (WHO), at a CHIKV sensitisation conference (April 6) at CARPHA’s headquarters at Federation Park, Port of Spain, Hospedales had said although “there were “no reported cases yet,” it was important to be on high alert since some French, English and Dutch-speaking Caribbean countries had reported cases.

But now it has entered here, Hospedales also said it was important to keep chikungunya from spreading rapidly by keeping one’s surroundings immaculately clean. Another necessary intervention is to follow the checklist which is posted on the website at to get rid of the mosquito’s breeding sites.

He added: “Take ten minutes and clean up everything that is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Clean up water drums and areas for storing water. Go to the CARPHA website and walk around with the graphic to clean up your home.”

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