A man who cuffed his friend several times to the face and about the body was yesterday placed on a one-year peace bond after the friend indicated to the court that he accepted an apology and no longer wanted to proceed with the matter. Michael Smartt, 67, admitted that on July 14 he unlawfully assaulted Leonard Kissoon so as to cause him actual bodily harm. When given a chance to speak, Kissoon told the court that he and Smartt are good friends and that he did not want to proceed with the matter against him. He said that his friend had apologized to him and that he had accepted this apology. The complainant added too that Smartt had told him that such an incident would not happen again. The prosecution’s facts were that on the day in question the two friends were playing dominoes and that Smartt was under the influence of alcohol when they had a misunderstanding.
According to Prosecutor Michael Grant, it was as a result of this misunderstanding that Smartt dealt Kissoon several cuffs to his face and body.
The matter was later reported and the defendant was arrested and charged.
After hearing the case, Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry before whom the matter was called informed Smartt that he would be placed on a bond to keep the peace for one year, failing which he would be imprisoned for two weeks.