Stabroek News

The PNC helped the PPP last Sunday

Dear Editor,

The political incident at Congress Place on July 27 has caused us to reflect on this question: What are the nation’s shared values? The politicians are not putting the country and people first.

Our politicians in the main have lost their way. They want power at all costs with no plan to be humble, no plan to serve, no plan to toil, and no plan to let the truth lead the way. What we have in Guyana is a compromised group of politicians who are arrogant and who want to get ahead politically by using race as a tool of division. Yet they parrot, and abuse the word unity. Their actions clearly show no love for the people, but love for their image, positions, pensions and the parliamentary perks.

It is time for Guyanese to rise up and save the land with your determination by doing whatever is necessary to banish these politicians who are stuck in the past with their undemocratic ways, corrupt practices, arrogance and pettiness. It is time to exile those who have little or no love for the future of the country, since their thinking cannot take Guyana into the next generation. They have not wisdom, but destruction.

The sadness in the whole episode is that Guyana has sunk to a new low at the recently concluded PNCR Congress, where a gunshot rang out among the crowd and the individual was not turned over to the police. After hiding from the police, he was caught at the airport as he attempted to flee the country. This type of behaviour will not bode well for the PNCR and should the APNU lose the next elections they cannot blame anyone else but themselves. By their own doing, they have alienated the youths and the thousands of Guyanese who might not have wanted to support the PPP. No youth with any sanity will want to get close to Congress Place going forward, for they have proven that it is not within their DNA to have free and fair elections and elections free from fear.

Good luck to them! In 2006 Mr Corbin received 34 per cent of the votes cast; if they get that much now, they should consider themselves lucky with much cause for celebration. The whole unfortunate truth in this matter is that the PNC singlehandedly helped the PPP politically last Sunday.

Yours faithfully,
Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

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