Hello, Stretch marks!

Caribbean people have latched onto the “summer” idea like they have with most other northern and western practices and trends. During the months of July and August, I feel more compelled to have pictures in a bikini floating around my Facebook timeline and a brand new cover photo of some exotic blue water, than in January.

Never mind we have this type of temperature all year round in Guyana. During the months of August and July, I feel the need to travel more because everyone else is doing it. It has just somehow managed to mince its way into my heart during these months; assisted by marketing and updates on my Instagram that this is the new cool thing that everyone is doing. And who doesn’t want to say they rolled on Aruba’s beach or sipped coconut water on Copacabana beach.

Now more than ever before, I feel like I’m missing out on certain aspects of life because everyone is doing it except me. These two months represent a change and shift in things that one ought to be doing, according global travel trends and my Instagram feed; providing you have disposable income or some Caribbean Airline miles, that is.

20140712LOGO2I have also become equally pressured to feel more conscious about my body during this period. There are endless fitness blogs and pages all over social networking sites. They are not exactly the easiest thing to avoid since seems as if everyone and their mother suddenly decided to go all health conscious. Yes Instagram has played a part. And yes, I feel even more insecure when I scroll through my feed. I know what you are thinking: this girl is stick thing, what is she talking about? Now, not because I resemble a stick with breasts means I don’t feel any sort of skinny girl pressures. It’s equally frustrating to maintain and stifle yourself into an image society wants you to be. A girl can’t eat a burger in peace without casually scrolling through her feed and feeling guilty. I now find myself focusing on how I look to other people as opposed to actually appreciating myself.

The 1950s-inspired swimsuit
The 1950s-inspired swimsuit (Photos by Sharon Ramkarran- A Thousand Words Photography) (MUA Renee Chester Thompson)


I think one of my biggest frustrations is dealing with the unnecessary forced expense and undercover mental abuse I put myself through. Yes I understand taking care of your body is great and you should do it, but I also think it’s important for you to accept yourself in your own skin and budget. If you are skinny, don’t feel too bad when you laugh and your ribcage shows. Don’t get mad if baby tyres print on your belly when you sit.

If you honestly sat down and went through your closet, how many pieces would you find that you bought with the intention to project an image to other people. Maybe none for you but I certainly have a lot. Now since “summer” is over, I would encourage you to embrace your own sense of summer since we have it all year round. You should also embrace your own sense of body comfort.

A few weeks ago, I wrote about swimsuits for my blog. I choose to wear a fifties-inspired one. When I took the photos I didn’t realise my stretch marks were that visible. I would like to advise you, if you are going to enjoy “summer” resist scrolling though Instagram and resist choosing travel destinations that are only important and worthy because everyone else thinks so. Avoid looking at fitness blogs before your visit to creek, you are only secretly pressuring yourself. Good luck finding your happy place.

