The people are held hostage by the politicians

Dear Editor,

Looking at some of the political leaders posturing today, you cannot but conclude that our country is condemned to remain in a state of chaos for very many years to come.

While other countries are experiencing the influx and mass movement of humanity for safety from their fellow humans and from diseases, some of our leaders still cannot come to grips with the fact that our difficulties are the result of our politicians and a few greedy people.

When we are nitpicking over every action that the other group does, searching for every interpretation to select the one that suits our cause, and expect everyone to be more honest and clean than we are, then we are really in a pit, all of us.

The politics of hate and anger and of trying to get even with the other group are really harming our country, both in terms of its image and its progress.

But we have seen now some prominent people taking sides with the politicians; even media houses can be identified with a political party or another. These all add to the fermentation of what the future will bring. This is the beloved Guyana where its people are are trapped or held hostage to the parody of its politicians.

Strangely enough, it is the opposition which knows the solution to our problems, who is without sin and who is the most honest among the politicians.


Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)