A tale of two manufacturers



20131020rawleThe manufacturing sector is the smallest sector in the Guyana economy, accounting for a mere seven per cent of the total output of the country in 2013. The sector is largely dominated by sugar and rice which together accounted for 40 per cent of its output last year. But, within that sector lie two conglomerates of different sizes which play very important roles in the Guyana economy. The larger of the two companies when measured in terms of assets, revenue and output was incorporated in Guyana in September 1955 and trades under the name of Banks DIH Limited (DIH). The other company, Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL), was incorporated in November 1952 and trades under the name DDL. The two companies are in the same age group but have vastly different histories and evolution in their life cycles. This article compares the two companies (and not their entire Groups) in an attempt to see how their origins and history might be influencing the business strategies that the two companies pursue.


Banks DIH

Banks DIH, which is the principal company in its conglomerate, got its start as part of a family business. The year of incorporation (1955) which DIH now assumes was first associated with Banks Breweries Limited, a company that produced the now famous Banks Beer brand. The current trading name of Banks DIH