Frustrated teachers and students at the Nismes Primary School, West Bank Demerara, have been forced to evacuate the upper flat of the building after a continual invasion of snakes. They have been cramped in the lower flat for the past two weeks.
It was reported that at least four snakes were seen by the security guard on duty at the school within the past two weeks and with the help of a neighbour, the guard was able to capture one of the snakes.
The snakes were seen in the ceiling by the guard, while one was spotted entwined with the electrical wire that connects to the building, making its way to the roof.
Stabroek News understands that the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) has thus far advised the teachers
to relocate to the lower flat to avoid anyone being bitten.
A report was also made to the Ministry of Education which was said to have made contact with the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) to deal with the situation.
It was reported that the RDC sent someone and that person, after observation, concluded that snakes could not live in the ceiling due to the extent of the heat and that only bats were there. However, the following day, another snake was observed nestled in the ceiling. A neighbour told Stabroek News that her son assisted in capturing one of the snakes, “My son make a hook; he use it to pull down the snake and kill it.” The resident also lamented the danger the small children are exposed to, since a snake could possibly fall on a student or even a teacher and bite them, she added. Teachers are also concerned about the student’s welfare in the cramped classrooms since they will soon have to sit the Christmas term examinations.
The building is said to be accommodating a total of 103 students at the moment, 56 of whom were housed in the upper flat.
Meanwhile, at the time of Stabroek News’s visit deep holes were visible all around the school’s compound while portions of the playground and a large section of the school compound were covered in water.
An old pond, which is nearby was brought to the attention of the authorities in 2012, and at the time a promise was made that it would have been filled with sand. Instead, a quantity of debris was taken and thrown inside and it has not been properly filled and levelled.
That pond was said to be the home of Caimans and a student had come into contact with one of the creatures in 2012 and was lashed with its tail.
Stabroek News was told that during a visit at the school following that incident, Minister of Education Priya Manickchand had promised that the pond would be sand-filled.
Meantime, a large portion of the school compound was also occupied with overgrown weeds while the fence at the sides and back were taken over with bushes.
There is no fence or gate in front of the compound, so it is constantly invaded by straying cattle, resulting in damage to drains and the holes mentioned earlier.
It was reported that the RDC had also promised the teachers to kill the growing weeds but this has not been done so far.
Besides the overgrown weeds, swampy compound, invasion of snakes and cattle, the main bridge which teachers and students use to access the school is also deteriorating. Holes are beginning to widen on the wooden structure.
A concerned resident observing the bridge said it would be easy for a student’s foot to slip through one of the gaps and that this would certainly result in injury. She said she hoped this did not occur.
Stabroek News then visited the RDC office, seeking a comment on the observations made. However, the secretary said the chairman was not around and that there was no one else at the office who could offer a comment on the situation at the school.