Stabroek News

Baishanlin contributes to rehab of Mackenzie Sports Complex

Baishanlin International Forest Develop-ment is supporting major rehabilitation works at the MacKenzie Sports Complex ground, which got underway yesterday.

A press release from the company said that as part of its new Corporate Social Responsibility programme, it purchased a number of tools for use in the initial phase of the operation.

Chairman of the newly constituted MacKenzie Sports Complex Moderniza-tion Committee, Phillip Bynoe, said in the press release that the initial rehabilitation work is expected to be completed within one month. Work will then be done to increase the seating capacity at the ground by constructing an additional pavilion. Bynoe said that a new basketball arena will also be constructed. The roof and other parts of the existing pavilion were damaged earlier this year in a storm, the release added.

Baishanlin’s Forestry Development Department Director, Eddie Wang (third from left) handing over the cheque to Horace James.

The cheque was presented by Baishanlin’s Forestry Development Department Director, Eddie Wang to the modernization committee’s Treasurer/ Resource Manager, Horace James.

Wang, according to the release, said Baishanlin is pleased to be part of this initiative and sees it as the renewal of a productive partnership with Linden, and Region Ten.

James said the committee and the community as a whole welcomed the support from Baishanlin and looked forward to building a new relationship with the company.

In September, the release noted that Baishanlin also sponsored the North Rupununi Football Association, providing the entire team with uniforms.

The company also supported the recently undertaken road repair work in Kwakwani by supplying heavy-duty equipment and machinery.

Baishanlin has been under intense scrutiny over its logging and other practices. It has been accused of not being forthcoming with information on these areas.






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