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Venezuela’s ruling socialists set up hotline to nab ‘infiltrators’

CARACAS, (Reuters) – Venezuela’s ruling socialists have set up a telephone hotline to denounce “infiltrators” they say are jeopardizing the legacy of beloved late leader Hugo Chavez by seeking to destroy the socialist government.

“The enemy who most harms us is the enemy within our ranks. It’s the one who calls himself ‘Chavista’ but is not ‘Chavista,’” said Francisco Ameliach, governor of the state of Carabobo and a high-ranking member of the ruling PSUV party.

“Militants who foment disunity must be denounced,” he said, giving out a telephone number and email address that begins with the words “denounce infiltrators.”

Ameliach did not say how denounced infiltrators would be investigated or punished if found guilty.

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