Dear Editor,
The recent alleged assault of an Amerindian man, in an Amerindian village (Aishalton) by a member of the Presidential Guard Service, is full proof of all my previous warnings that this government cares not one jot about Amerindians.
John Adams is a teacher in his village; a person of high standing in the eyes of his fellow villagers. He enjoys the confidence and respect of all and sundry, not only in his village but the surrounding villages of Awaruwaunawa, Maruwanau, Shea, Karaudaunawa and Achiwuib.
The young teacher is a husband, father and son. To be assaulted in the way he allegedly was, was total disrespect to his person. Everyone would agree that a grown man would rather be cuffed, but to be slapped like child is something else.
Consequent to this incident I am calling on the President to take decisive action against the guards at the centre of this final insult to Amerindians. I am also calling on the President to personally apologise to Mr Adams and to the village. In fact, an open apology should be made to the entire Amerindian community.
If the authorities do not pursue this matter, the President may find he will be met in the central Rupununi by residents quacking as loudly as possible to prevent him from delivering his diatribe and propaganda. What will he do? Lock all of us up? Will we all be slapped like disobedient children?
Finally, I wonder what Mr Peter Persaud has to say on this, since it seems every time I write on Amerindian issues he springs into action to discredit my views. He has been strangely silent and as the old adage goes: “Silence is consent.”
Maybe he, and all other so called defenders of Amerindians should raise their voices against this despicable act.
Yours faithfully,
Carl Parker
Region Nine Councillor