Dear Editor,
There is no doubt that since the present regime took office, salaries and wages for public servants have increased significantly. However this has been not been in accordance with the legitimate way of bargaining with the Guyana Public Service Union, which represents workers’ rights and interests. The continuous impositions have created a sense of hopelessness; this is because when we measure income against inflation, then we see the daily struggle of the poor and working class people.
One must take note that within the public service there are supporters from every political party, and when one is affected all are affected. The time has come therefore for good sense and judgment to prevail. Workers should not be treated as rags; their hard work, dedication and sacrifices must be rewarded with more than 5% and 8%.
The Guyana economy has been reported as growing steadily and that wealth creation is being achieved. Therefore, within this context our nurses, police officers, clerical, sanitation and other categories of worker must be paid a liveable wage and not a pittance.
The Guyana Public Service Union must be held accountable to its members by explaining why it has taken so long for it to recognize that it has been outsmarted again.
On the eve of yet another Christmas public servants are faced with the reality of having to accept crumbs from the leftovers. How shameless and ignorant our leaders have become; they should put their feet in the shoes of the poor and powerless and see how difficult it is to live on less than a $100,000 dollars a month.
Today it is well known that our public servants have to depend on two jobs or assistance from overseas relatives and friends.
I pray today that God speaks to the leaders of the PPP/C, APNU, and the AFC and they unite to deliver a better quality of life for all Guyanese.
Yours faithfully,
Andre Fortune