First Cuba, now North Korea?

Dear Editor,

Now that it seems almost inevitable that the ‘Cold War’ between the United States of America and Cuba is about to end there must also be wishful thinking among many, at this festive season, that the stand-off between North and South Korea would ere long no longer be a blot on our landscape, and would be relegated forever to the footnotes of history books.

Many attempts of all sorts to get a rapprochement between North and South Korea have failed, but with his Cuban successes President Obama may want to give this hard nut a final attempt before he vacates the White House. With maybe a wider smile on his face!

For if confidence is to be built between North and South it is essential that the state of war between the two should be terminated so as to conclude a peace treaty. And for both sides what is most important is the courage to pursue the path of peace.

We trust that President Obama would achieve this herculean task not only for the sake of peace, but also to achieve one of his best accolades.

Millions believe that peace between those two nations though it seems unachievable now is inevitable. A solution must be found. And it will be.

For too long many thousands of mothers on both sides have gone to bed with tears on their cheeks to remind them of the loss of a son or daughter or other relative.

 Yours faithfully,

Rooplall Dudhnath