Stabroek News

Donation to Colwyn Harding support group

On December 22, Blue CAPS made a donation of $45,000 to the Colwyn Harding Support Group to help offset the costs associated with his hospital stay and medical expenses, a release from the group said.

In photo, Blue CAPS’ Treasurer Jo-Ann Thompson (fourth from left) hands over the cheque to Norwell Hinds of the Colwyn Harding Support Group. Looking on are other Blue CAPS members.

Harding had to be hospitalized for intestinal surgery after he had said that he was sexually assaulted with a baton by a policeman. Two cops were later charged with assaulting him but not with a baton. Harding has had several surgeries to his intestines since November last year.

Blue CAPS says it is a non-partisan civic NGO that “develops and advocates public policy prescriptions for a better Guyana”.



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