Last week I wrote about the magnificent Mussaenda in colours of red, white, pink and dark pink. Today, I will write about the smallest Dwarf Mussaenda which is not so well known among the younger flower friends.
Mussaenda luteola commonly called Dwarf Yellow Mussaenda or White Wing and here in Guyana, Butterfly, originated from tropical Africa, Asia and Malaysia.

While the dainty Dwarf Yellow Mussaenda is not as spectacular in size as the standard Mussaenda, this little beauty is a sweetheart. The flowers are small bright yellow star-shaped corollas with orange centres, joined by the palest creamy yellow bracts that look like white wings. The leaves are bright green and prominently veined and are about 1 inch long. The plant grows approximately 2-3 feet.
Plant this eye-catching flowering shrub in well-drained soil and add some well-rotted manure to it. Water well and do not allow it to dry out. Fertilize with Miracle Gro Bloom Booster once every 2 weeks. It requires little attention.
This Mussaenda has adapted well in Florida, the Caribbean and Guyana. In Florida it is planted widely and is made into an attractive hedge or border when in full bloom. You can try cutting some stems with flowers and put them in a vase in the home. An extra benefit is that it attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Small plants are available for sale.
Until next week, happy gardening!