Stabroek News

Which was bigger, New Year 2015 or 2014?

Interviews and photos by Jeanna Pearson and Dacia Whaul

Now that the holidays are coming to a close, we asked the man/woman in the street if their New Year celebration to welcome 2015 was bigger than in 2014. Their comments follow:

Gregory Smith, Barbadian businessman – ‘My 2014 New Year celebration was better, because I was home with family and we had a grand time. This New Year celebration broke me in Guyana and I just came to town with friends, had a few drinks with friends. So I would say that last New Year was bigger.’









Michael Singh, self-employed – ‘Well, last New Year I was working all the way in Venezuela. Thankfully, this New Year I was able to be with my family at Lethem. The New Year actually broke me in church with the family. Both were similar, the only difference was that this year I got to be with family.’









Javan Rodrigues, Cyril Potter College of Education trainee teacher – ‘2014 New Year was better. There were more social activities going on. For 2015, there was not a lot going on and I was also not in a position to do much anyway. So I would say that last New Year was a little better.’









Orin Thompson, miner – ‘It was definitely better than 2014 New Year’s because last year I didn’t get to spend it with my family. I was working in the interior but this year I got to come out early and spend the Christmas and break the New Year with them. So it’s best.’









Kemo Cort, real estate agent – ‘This year wasn’t better than last year because last year I broke the New Year with my friends and we watched the fireworks. But this year I spent it alone.’










Desiree Primo, self-employed – ‘This year was the same as every year. It was fair and quiet. As always I broke it by myself.’









Rodwell Clarke, porter – ‘This year celebration was better because last year I didn’t have a job and now I do, so that’s worth celebration. 2014 I had nothing to celebrate when the year break.’









Eleazar Cossou, musician – ‘I wouldn’t say one year was better than one because I enjoyed myself both times. I spent it as usual in church with my brethren and we did music, eat and waited for the New Year to ring in.’








Solomon Cameron, porter – ‘Well I’d say it was better than last year because this year I break it in church. Last year New Year’s didn’t meet me in a good place.’








Amrit Rivas, technician – ‘Well 2013 for the New Year’s I was in church. It was the first time I ever did that and it was cool, counting down the minutes and seconds going over into 2014. But this year I spent it with my family and we had a party and watched the clock hand strike over to the new year but between the two I can’t really pick. I enjoyed both of them.’


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