Asif Khan, the driver who was remanded to prison for a causing the death of a teenager outside the Princess Hotel at Providence, East Bank Demerara last year, was yesterday released on $600,000 bail.
Khan’s attorney George Thomas made submissions when the matter was called again and was successful in securing bail for his client. He told the chief magistrate, in part, that Khan was willing to submit to any conditions required by the court.
Although there was no objection by Prosecutor Bharrat Mangru, a request was made for bail to be in a substantial sum; the accused was required to surrender his passport and report twice a week at the Providence Police Station.
Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry reminded the defendant about the conditions attached to his pre-trial liberty before setting bail at $600,000.
The matter was adjourned to February 27.
Khan was charged last month with driving motor vehicle PRR 5555 in a manner dangerous to the public, thereby causing the death of 18-year-old Parmanand Deokaran on December 20. 2014.
On the same day, it was alleged that Khan drove the same vehicle and an incident occurred, causing injuries to Deokaran, Davendra Mangal, 20, and Kayshawn Ramnarine, 17, and he failed to render assistance to them by taking them to a medical practitioner. Additionally Khan was charged with failing to report the matter to the police.