Germany’s chess grandmaster Arkadij Naiditsch promoted a rook pawn to the queening square and so defeated world champion Magnus Carlsen at the Grenke Chess Classic at Baden-Baden. Carlsen sacrificed a piece early in the game but could not hold the position following the exchange of the major pieces. The victory by Naiditsch promoted him to joint first place with Fabiano Caruana after round three in the tournament.
The competitors at Grenke are Carlsen, Caruana, Anand, Aronian, Naiditsch, Bacrot, Baramidze and Adams. The first four players are numbered in the top ten of the world.
The games of Carlsen, Anand, Caruana and Aronian are all highly anticipated. The tournament ends tomorrow.

At the 2015 Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival, Hikaru Nakamura, David Howell and Nikita Vitiugov are the leaders of the tournament after round nine. The trio is followed by Women’s World champion Hou Yifan. Yifan defeated grandmaster Richard Rapport and clinched the top women’s prize of £15,000. The tournament ended on Thursday.
White Arkadij Naiditsch
Black Magnus Carlsen
- e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nc3 d6 4. Be3 a6 5. a4 Nf6 6. h3 O-O 7. g4 e5 8. d5 c6 9. Nge2 cxd5 10. exd5 Bxg4 11. hxg4 Nxg4 12. Qd2 Nd7 13. Ne4 f5 14. Bg5 Qb6 15. Bh3 Ndf6 16. Nxf6+ Nxf6 17. Nc3 Qxb2 18. Rb1 Qa3 19. Rxb7 Rf7 20. Rb3 Qc5 21. Qe3 Qc7 22. Qb6 e4 23. Qc6 Rc8 24. O-O Qxc6 25. dxc6 Rxc6 26. Rfb1 h6 27. Bxf6 Bxf6 28. Nxe4 Be5 29. Nd2 Rxc2 30. Nf3 Ra2 31. Bg2 Bf6 32. Nh2 Kg7 33. Bd5 Re7 34. Rb4 Rd2 35. Bc4 a5 36. Rb7 Rd4 37. Rxe7+ Bxe7 38. Bb5 h5 39. Nf3 Rf4 40. Kg2 h4 41. Rd1 Rg4+ 42. Kf1 h3 43. Rd3 Bf6 44. Nh2 Rh4 45. Kg1 Bd4 46. Rf3 Kf6 47. Nf1 Be5 48. Ne3 Kg5 49. Kh1 Kf6 50. Nc4 g5 51. Nxa5 g4 52. Rd3 f4 53. Nc4 Rh7 54. Nxe5 dxe5 55. a5 Rc7 56. Ra3 Rc1+ 57. Kh2 Rc2 58. a6 Rxf2+ 59. Kh1 g3 60. a7 Rd2 61. Ra1 1-0.
Chess games
The following games were played at the Grenke Chess Classic, Baden-Baden, Germany. There are eight participants and the tournament ends tomorrow.
White F Caruana
Black V Anand
- e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. c3 Nf6 5. d3 d6 6. b4 Bb6 7. a4 a5 8. b5 Ne7 9. O-O O-O 10. h3 c6 11. Bb3 Ng6 12. Re1 Re8 13. Nbd2 d5 14. Nf1 dxe4 15. Ng5 Re7 16. Nxe4 Nxe4 17. dxe4 Be6 18. Rb1 Rd7 19. Qc2 Nf8 20. Ne3 Bxe3 21. Bxe3 h6 22. Red1 Rc8 23. Rxd7 Qxd7 24. Rd1 Qe8 25. bxc6 Qxc6 26. Bd5 Qxc3 27. Qxc3 Rxc3 28. Bxb7 Nd7 29. Ba6 Nc5 30. Bxc5 Rxc5 31. Bb5 Kh7 32. Rd6 Bc4 33. Rb6 Bxb5 34. Rxb5 Rxb5 35. axb5 a4 36. b6 a3 37. b7 a2 38. b8=Q
a1=Q+ 1/2-1/2.
White M Carlsen
Black Mi Adams
- c4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. Nf3 Nc6 4. g3 Bb4 5. Nd5 Bc5 6. Bg2 d6 7. O-O O-O 8. d3 Nxd5 9. cxd5 Nd4 10. Nxd4 exd4 11. Bd2 a5 12. e4 dxe3 13. fxe3 Qg5 14. Rf4 Bd7 15. a4 Rae8 16. d4 Bb6 17. Qb3 Qd8 18. Qc4 Re7 19. b4 axb4 20. a5 Ba7 21. Qxb4 c5 22. dxc6 Bxc6 23. Qb3 Bxg2 24. Kxg2 Qd7 25. Raf1 Rc8 26. Rf5 h6 27. R1f2 Bb8 28. Bb4 Qc6+ 29. R2f3 Rcc7 30. Be1 Qe8 31. g4 Re4 32. h3 Rce7 33. Bf2 R4e6 34. Rb5 Bc7 35. Rxb7 Qa8 36. Rb5 Re8 37. Qd5 Qxd5 38. Rxd5 Rb8 39. Bg3 g6 40. h4 Ra8 41. Be1 Re4 42. g5 h5 43. Rb5 Ra7 44. Kf1 Re8 45. Ke2 Rea8 46. Rf6 Ra6 47. Bb4 Bxa5 48. Rxa5 Rxa5 49. Bxa5 Rxa5 50. Rxd6 Kf8 51. Rf6 Ra3 52. Kf3 Ke7 53. Ke4 Ra5 54. Rf4 Rb5 55. d5 Rb3 56. Kd4 Ra3 57. e4 Rb3 58. Ke5 Rd3 59. Rf1 Rh3 60. Ra1 Rxh4 61. d6+ Kd7 62. Ra7+ Ke8 63. Ra8+ Kd7 64. Rf8 1-0.
White Levon Aronian
Black Magnus Carlsen
- c4 e6 2. Nc3 d5 3. d4 Nf6 4. cxd5 exd5 5. Bg5 c6 6. Qc2 Be7 7. e3 Nbd7 8. Bd3 h6 9. Bh4 Nh5 10. Bxe7 Qxe7 11. O-O-O Nb6 12. Nf3 Bg4 13. Kb1 Nf6 14. Rc1 Nfd7 15. Ka1 O-O-O 16. Nd2 Kb8 17. Na4 Nxa4 18. Qxa4 Qh4 19. Rcf1 Qf6 20. Qc2 Rc8 21. Nb3 Rc7 22. Rc1 Rhc8 23. h3 Be6 24. Rhf1 h5 25. f4 g6 26. f5 gxf5 27. g4 hxg4 28. hxg4 Nb6 29. gxf5 Bd7 30. Nc5 Re8 31. Rce1 Qd6 32. a3 Bc8 33. Qf2 Nd7 34. e4 dxe4 35. Nxe4 Qf8 36. Rg1 Rd8 37. Qh2 Qh8 38. Qxh8 Rxh8 39. Rg7 Nb6 40. Nf6 Rd8 41. Rg4 c5 42. Ne8 Rcd7 43. dxc5 Rxd3 44. cxb6 axb6 45. Rf4 R8d5 46. Ref1 Rd1+ 47. Rxd1 Rxd1+ 48. Ka2 Rd5 49. Ng7 Bd7 50. Kb3 Kc7 51. Re4 Kd6 52. Ne8+ Kc6 53. Ng7 Rd3+ 54. Kb4 Rg3 55. Rc4+ Kd6 56. Rd4+ Kc7 57. Nh5 Rg2 58. Nf6 Bc6 59. b3 b5 60. Ng4 Re2 61. Nh6 Be8 62. Ng4 Bd7 63. Nh6 Be8 64. Ng4 1/2-1/2.