(De Ware Tijd) PARAMARIBO — Computers manufactured by Lenovo, a Chinese firm, contain secret software which make the devices vulnerable to cyber attacks and even espionage by outside parties. The so-called adware produced by Superfish, is able to decode internet communication by the user, regardless of the internet browser. Lenovo belongs to the top computer brands in the world.
Minister Winston Lackin of Foreign Affairs confirms that a recently received Chinese grant consists of Lenovo computers. The brand is also sold locally. The government has taken notice of the media reports and is currently trying to find out if they are true. Lloyd Pinas, ambassador in Beijing has been instructed to find out from the Chinese authorities what is going on.
Yuan Chuanhui, Chief Political Affairs at the Chinese embassy in Paramaribo, says his government makes sincere grants and that Lenovo is a private enterprise with no ties to the Chinese government. He doubts the negative news around the computers, and adds that to his knowledge the Superfish adware was only added to computers manufactured between September 2014 and January 2015.