Stabroek News

Whittaker weighs in on Nnesha Hinds’ appointment

Minister of Local Government Norman Whittaker has joined the fray over the employment of City Hall Clerk Nnesha Hinds, siding with Acting Town Clerk Carol Sooba that Hinds should be downgraded to a Clerk 1.

At the Council’s Statutory Meeting yesterday, Mayor Hamilton Green shared with the councillors the contents of a letter he had received during the day, in which Whittaker stated that after reviewing Hinds’s qualification he concurred with Sooba that Hinds should be appointed to the post of Clerk 1.

The council maintains that Hinds was hired and confirmed as a Clerk II General a post for which she is qualified.

Hinds who has worked in the Mayor’s office since July 2014 has still not been paid.

Sooba had assured the council and press that Hinds would have been paid but she still has not received any money. Meanwhile, the councillors unanimously objected to the contents of the letter from Whittaker.

Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green said Whittaker has expressed his opinion in the letter, but it has no bearing on the decision of the council, which has decided that Hinds be appointed Clerk II. It was her supervisor, the mayor, who had to comment on her proficiency, Chase-Green said and in the absence of a complaint from the mayor Hinds will remain a Clerk II.

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