Stabroek News

There must be verification of the additional voters on the PLE

Dear Editor,

Every alleged elector who registered after the 2011 elections must be validated. The APNU+AFC Coalition Party has expressed concerns about the unexplained, exponential growth of electors that constitute the 2015 Preliminary List of Electors (PLE) or the voters’ list. The list grew from 475,496 in 2011, to 567,125 in 2015. This is an increase of 91,625 electors.

General Secretary of the PPP Clement Rohee also expressed concern about the large growth of the list.

Given that there is a common interest of the main stakeholders in the elections, the Guyana Elections Commission is obligated to immediately justify the authenticity and legality of the 2015 PLE, by proving to the nation who the additional 91,625 purported electors are.

In order to assure the integrity and fairness of the elections process, their identity, proof of address, subdivision and Electoral District must be established through a legitimate process.

Therefore, the Guyana Elections Commission, in conjunction with the parties contesting the elections, must immediately launch a process to locate and verify every person who registered subsequent to the 2011 elections.   Pursuant to this process, and pending an additional period for persons to come forward to validate their legitimacy on the list, every name that is unverified must be removed.


Yours faithfully,
Rickford Burke
Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy

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