Stabroek News

PPP condemns criticisms of its young professionals

The PPP today denounced attacks on young professionals on its electoral list, several of whom are relatives of senior government officials.

Those criticism have come from the opposition and other sections of society.

The PPP press release follows:

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has taken note of the attacks being leveled against those young professionals who have identified themselves with the PPP/C and have consented to appear on the list of candidates of the ruling PPP/C.

These attacks are demonstrative once again of the vicious and vindictive nature of the APNU/AFC coalition against our young people who dare to stand up and be counted in support of a party and a cause to which they believed in and for which they are willing to contribute towards.

It is baffling if not mind boggling that the coalition (confusing) party which speaks so much about the need for young people to get involved in the political life of the country would now cast aspersions and innuendos against the very cohort of people who they falsely claim to be so concerned about.

The fact that some of the young people happen to be close relatives of members and supporters of the ruling PPP/C administration cannot diminish nor in any way inhibit their involvement in the national discourse for a better and more secure Guyana.

The PPP condemns these vicious and unwarranted attacks on those young people who have come forward on its platform and will not sit idly by and allow them to be treated as second class citizens because of their family background or association with organizations or individuals who are sympathetic or supportive of the party.

These are young people who have not emerged out of thin air but have been integrally and actively involved in the work of the Party and Government and who have demonstrated high levels of commitment and competence in the execution of whatever assignment they are required to execute.

The APNU-AFC coalition has now sunk to a new low by taking cheap shots at some of our young and bright minds. This can only be seen as a politically infantile mean and smacks of a fair measure of jealousy.

The PPP has never and will never object to young people wishing to identify with one or the other political party regardless of family or organizational ties and therefore sees no reason why the opposition parties should so do.

Could it be that they are unable to come to terms with the influx of young people in the PPP/C family and are therefore consumed by uncontrolled jealousy?

It is time for the APNU-AFC coalition to stop pointing fingers against our youths and take a page out of the leaf of the PPP on how to treat with our young people.


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