Dear Editor,
Messrs Jerome Khan and Barrington Braithwaite are upset that I am calling out the AFC’s nonsense that young people must put aside the past when making their decision to vote. Fortunately, according to Mr Khan, the young Mr Saieed Khalil has ignored the coalition’s call, has researched the history and has made an informed choice. Good for him. Other young people must do the same.
I do not want to think that both these gentlemen do not understand what they read. Or are they so blinded by their own partisanship that they see and hear what they want? Unwittingly, perhaps, they both make the case as to why we continue to be imprisoned by our past even as some want to wish it away.
My question again: why does the coalition want us to put aside the past when making our choice at the polls? Neither of the gentlemen provides an answer but is simply vexed that the question is asked.
And what can anyone say about the children and spouses of PPP members following in their family’s footsteps? According to the coalition supporters, George W Bush should never have been a US president since his daddy was before him. And should Hillary Clinton give it up too? Would Mr Khan et al be bold enough to stop her run and tell her that she should not even be a member of the Democratic party? And should her daughter not join her on the campaign trail?
And should I even bring up the Kennedy family name? President, senator, attorney general, and probably more Kennedys still to come.
I am no supporter of one side or the other but simply a citizen pointing our nonsense when nonsense prevails.
Yours faithfully,
Ryhaan Shah