On Sunday the Lusignan Golf Course (LGC) will come alive when local golfers compete for top honours at the 18th Annual Scotiabank Charities Golf Tournament.
Competitors will engage in fierce battle for personal prizes as well as a rare chance to win a donation towards a charity of their choice. Golfers must indicate before the start of the tournament, which children’s charity they want to benefit from the donation should they emerge among the top three winners.

Jennifer Cipriani, Robb Street Branch Marketing Manager of Scotiabank Guyana said, “For the fourth consecutive year, the top three players will receive as part of their prize package, a donation towards a children’s charity of their choice under Scotiabank’s Bright Future Programme. The cash donations are $150,000.00, $100,000.00 and $75,000.00 for the first, second and third place winners respectively.” She also explained that “Under its Global Bright Future philanthropic programme, the Bank channels funds and employee volunteer hours towards initiatives that benefit children in the areas of education, health, social well-being (arts and culture) and sports. Scotiabank has contributed on average some $50 million annually to community causes around the world over the last five years.”
So far, the Scotiabank sponsored tournament is the only one with a philanthropic component. Scotiabank and the Lusignan Golf Club are inviting other sponsors to throw their support behind this worthy investment.
The tournament tees off on Sunday at 11.30am.