Dear Editor,
Today the European Union joins with Guyana and the rest of the world in celebrating World Press Freedom Day. Press Freedom Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993. Every year, 3rd May is a date which celebrates the fundamental principles of press freedom; to evaluate press freedom around the world; to defend the media from attacks on their independence and to pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the exercise of their profession.
The EU reiterates that in democratic societies, freedom of expression should extend to ideas that may offend, shock or disturb the State or any sector of the population and includes criticism of ideologies and religion as well as satire. It does not, however, extend to public incitement to violence or hatred.
With funding from EU’s European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights the EU has partnered with the Guyana Media Proprietors Association over the past four years to promote and strengthen human rights and democratic reforms in Guyana. The project has also supported Guyana’s print and broadcast media, while promoting the facilitation of public dialogue and civic engagement across Guyana.
The EU has also provided funding towards the re-establishment of the Media Monitoring Unit [MMU] within the Guyana Elections Commission. The MMU has established a code of conduct for the media on reporting; conducted training on reporting during elections; and monitors the media’s reporting on the forthcoming elections. The regular feedback on the reporting by the MMU serves as a self-regulating mechanism for the media.
Freedom of expression and information includes the right to seek, receive, express and disseminate opinions, ideas and information without interference, orally or in writing through any media. Freedom of expression and information is therefore a precondition for strong and functioning media. Obviously, governments play an essential role in assuring a thriving media environment. Free, diverse and independent media are essential in any democratic society. Without freedom of expression and freedom of the media, an informed, active and engaged citizenry is impossible.
Yours faithfully,
Ambassador Robert Kopecký
Delegation of the European Union