An elderly Paradise, Essequibo Coast man was on Thursday discovered murdered on the seashore in the area after he went missing on Wednesday.
According to the police, Richard Ivan Etwaroo, 69, was killed between May 6 at 3:30AM and May 7 around 7AM at Paradise seashore.
Etwaroo, who lived with his wife, Mahadai Luckhai, 61, was known to consume alcohol. He had left his home at around 3:30AM, which was a norm.

Bruce Bridjodhan, the son of Etwaroo told Stabroek News that after his father did not return home on Wednesday evening, the family became worried and formed a search party. “My father would normally go out early in the morning and it is something we are accustomed to. When he go out he would go to drink but he would come back during the day. After he didn’t come home for the day, my family who were at home started searching for him on Wednesday night. They even took torchlights and search the trenches but they didn’t find him,” the man said.
The man related that the search continued on Thursday morning and it was then that his father’s body was found by Paramand Bridjodhan, his 29-year-old son, lying motionless in the water of the seashore at Paradise.
“After the body was found, the police were called and the body was taken away. We thought that maybe my father had drink and he got swing head and he fell down but the post-mortem examination proved otherwise,” the man said.
The post-mortem examination conducted on the body yesterday revealed that the deceased died from an incised wound to his neck.