Who wore what

Tamika Marshall
Tamika Marshall

This week my focus is on the style diary of the women who performed at the GDF Anniversary concert last week: Guyanese Jacki Jaxx and Timeka Marshal and Jamaican Tanya Stephens.   The show was called ‘Love is Contagious’ and since it was hosted by the GDF I personally thought it was a great idea to show some image correspondence towards the crowd and how the singers altered their images to match the show’s aesthetic. So, what did these singers actually wear?

Jackie Jaxx

Jackie performed in a sunflower yellow scuba textured mini dress. If you follow Jackie on social media you would have noticed that this look was a complete 360 degree turn from her raunchy and provocative stage show outfits. Her performance was energetic and entertaining and it was a suitable outfit since she didn’t do too much dancing. Jackie came off as girlishly elegant even though it wasn’t her sincere style. I believe it was suitable for the occasion. Certain occasions, events and hosts deserve to be matched to their prestige. For me going there inappropriately dressed is like showing up to the White House in a mini dress for a formal performance. Yes it was an outdoor concert and no it was not the White House but it was definitely a place to show some respect. It’s the GDF for crying out loud. Jackie’s ability to get styled appropriately and respect the stage really made me smile.

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Tanya Stephens

Tanya’s outfit in my books was the best. To be honest with you it was when she appeared on stage that I started to realize that this concert was solely about celebrating the 50th anniversary of GDF and love in general. Tanya was able to turn the focus on the GDF and really pilot the crowd into truly honouring and celebrating the army. Tanya was clad in camouflage that was specially made for her performance at the concert. Tanya placed her own image aside and took on a role   of really engrossing herself and giving a thoughtful delivery. Her entire look was a gift to the patrons. She look extremely effortless and chic in her utilitarian stage uniform.

Timeka Marshall

I was totally in love with Timeka’s outfit but I strongly believe it was inappropriate for the show. It was too raunchy for such a classy show. Timeka wore a long-sleeve top that appeared to be a bodysuit at times with high-waisted, bikini-like hot pants. Leather-like fringe in the form of a skirt played over the bikini-like bottoms shifting attention from but not actually covering up the shorts. This is standard Timeka wear for her stage performances, which I am actually in support of at times. However, in this particular case she came across as lawless and trying too hard. Her look released this ‘all about me’ vibe as opposed to sharing in the celebration and message of the concert.

It is my opinion that in order for artists to better deliver to an audience they must take into consideration who they are singing for and why they are singing in the first place before they get dressed. This allows the artist to come up with a better visual marketing strategy to ensure patrons remember him/her meaningfully. Artists must remember that fans feed off their image and when the artist is on stage that image acts like another voice that is as important as the song.

I left the concert completely happy. It was indeed the best concert I have been to in a really long time. However, I was slightly disappointed with Timeka’s look as it was a misfit in comparison to the others and inappropriate for the nature of the show.

