5 reasons Avengers sequel is the jaw-dropping spectacle you can’t miss!

The first Avengers took the term blockbuster to an all new level as audiences worldwide were willing to pay any price to see their beloved Marvel Comics characters in a giant team-up over and over again. Highly anticipated seems a mild term to describe the second Avengers film which again stars Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man, Chris Evans as Captain America, Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, Chris Hemsworth as Thor and Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk.

Fans have already helped the film surpass the coveted 200 million mark in order to see the entire team reunite this time to take on Ultron, a product of wise-cracking genius Tony Stark’s experiments with ‘alien’ technology and Artificial Intelligence that goes awry. Stark’s super Intelligent ‘Ultron’ takes on a life of its own and a mandate to eradicate all human life in order to create a more ideal world.

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As the Avengers assemble to put an end to Ultron, conflict among the once loyal team spews out of control as the other Avengers question Stark’s motivations for creating Ultron and the other secret plans the billionaire inventor has in store for the team. As incredible as the first Avengers proved to be, its sequel tops that on every level with eye-popping visuals, fantastic story-telling and rip-roaring action. Here are 5 reasons to get as fast as you can to the nearest cinema to see Avengers: Age of Ultron:

  1. New characters add lustre and intrigue

Fans of the comic-book and the original film will salivate over the return of every Avenger from the original, including surprise cameos from smaller Marvel Comics characters. However, it is the debut of the twins, the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver that truly adds to the enjoyment of the film’s plot. While they were husband and wife in 2014’s Godzilla remake, actors Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor-Johnson are now a brother and sister team with extraordinary powers that if used to aid the Avengers could help them permanently solve the Ultron problem. However, from their very introduction in the film it is uncertain where their loyalty lies as they were held captive in a laboratory to function as weapons. To avoid any spoilers, I’ll just say that most Marvel fans will be surprised to see how the dynamic between the super-powered twins and the Avengers team evolves. What is particularly interesting about the new additions is the spectacular way in which their powers are displayed. Quicksilver rescues in the nick of time with lighting fast blasts of speed, while the Scarlet Witch can create eye-popping blasts of energy to disable her attackers. She also has the ability to create giant force fields and can use her powers to manoeuvre objects, even large trains. This is done in truly spectacular fashion, making the addition of these new Avengers a visual feast.

  1. Villain delivers high on scare factor

No super-hero film satisfies unless it has an intimidating villain and thankfully the Avengers sequel scores high with Ultron. While Thor’s brother Loki was a formidable bad guy in the original, the highly intelligent Ultron proves even more sinister thanks to stunning CGI and the voice work of popular actor James Spader, known best for his hit NBC series “The BlackList”. Spader brings a foreboding calm to the voice of Ultron as he unfolds his plan to decimate the Avengers and end all human life on earth. His human-like mannerisms create an unnerving experience for the viewer and Spader’s ominous tone makes Ultron one of the most visually-striking and intimidating villains Marvel fans have ever seen.

  1. Well-balanced plot

What I particularly liked about the first film was the writers’ ability to juggle multiple storylines at the same time, allowing every Avenger adequate screen time so that we fully understand their conflict. This is achieved on a much higher level in Age of Ultron because of the introduction of new characters including the complex Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and the sometimes over the top Ultron. The writers even go as far as setting up the plots for other upcoming Marvel films. We get a glimpse as to what happened after the end of the last Thor movie and an indication of the tumultuous conflict which will be unleashed in Thor 3. The villain for the just announced Black Panther film also makes a cameo appearance in a key scene involving Ultron. True Marvel fans will find much gratification here as we see how strategic Marvel has been in setting up its cinematic universe. You can’t help but be in awe of the writers as they brilliantly manage a plethora of conflicts and tie it all up in a spectacular plot.

  1. Tops the original on every level

Many super-hero sequels fall short of their predecessors (I still have the sour taste of Spiderman 3 in my mouth). What may be the greatest achievement of this second Avengers film is that it exceeds expectations in every aspect including the fact that its plot is more engrossing than the original film, the special effects are more spectacular, the character development is taken to a higher level and the acting is more dynamic. The new plot is made even better with the infusion of more comedy and banter between the heroes including a hilarious bit in which Thor challenges every Avenger to attempt picking up his powerful hammer,

  1. Jaw-dropping visual spectacle

For true Avengers fans nothing will be more satisfying than the stunning visual effects infused in almost every scene. The action set-pieces in Ultron are perhaps the most entertaining visual feast we’ll see in 2015. Despite the praise that came before, nothing compares to how good this film looks. From the swarming army of Ultron’s robots to one incredible slow motion sequence in which we see all the Avengers in battle at the same time. It appears no expense was spared to make the sequel one of the most fantastic special-effects extravaganzas ever put on film. I particularly enjoyed the scene in which Black Widow scoops up Captain America’s shield while riding a bike and expertly tosses it to him just in time to block a potentially deadly blow from Ultron. Indeed, I can think of no other film in recent memory that equals the jaw dropping visuals seen in Age of Ultron. It exceeds anything fans might be anticipating and satisfies on every level.

If there is only one action/adventure you see this year, make it Age of Ultron. From its engaging plot and timely message about the dangers of experimenting with artificial intelligence to its barrage of visual achievements, no other film in 2015 will satisfy like the Avengers sequel.