2015 must demonstrate growth in Guyanese politics

Dear Editor,

Consistent with the historical struggles of the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) for universal adult suffrage (one man, one vote) and good governance, the GTUC recognises that the people through elections as they exercise their franchise, can make a difference. It is the people through their vote who determine which political party will lead us and determine the development of their nation and conditions under which they must eke out a living. People’s power rests in the vote on May 11th. Guyanese must exercise their power to determine who will lead Guyana.

Voting is one of the building blocks of democracy which can only be strengthened and deepened when the populace is fully engaged and involved.

The vote that we must exercise today is a constitutional right that in many parts of the world people gave their lives struggling for. Guyanese enjoy this right but must remember it did not come easy. Our previous generations of leaders fought for this right and enshrined it in the Constitution.

As Guyanese go to the polls today we must do so as an empowered people. We must be empowered with the knowledge, the wisdom and understanding that we do not have to support any government or any political party that is not serving our best interest. This nation has seen several regimes in power and therefore is able to recognise how the policies and decisions of all politicians can affect our peace, stability, growth and development, as well as serve our personal interest. In acknowledging this, the duty is ours to hold these governments accountable and to replace them with a new government as we see fit.

In 2015 Guyanese are voting to end corruption. The Transparency International Annual Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2014 Report has ranked Guyana the most corrupt country in the English speaking Caribbean despite the propaganda to cover it up. This election is about uncontrollable crime and ineffective crime fighting managed by the government in power. Blue collar crime and white collar crime of an unprecedented level in our society. Crime that has left hundreds of Guyanese, businessmen, women and ordinary citizens dead and family in grief over unsolved criminal activities.

This election is about accountability. For we cannot afford to have a nation where political leaders operate against the rule of law and violate fundamental principles, ethics and best practices in managing the affairs of governance. This election is about restoring the rule of law where all will be held accountable. We must restore dignity to the presidential office, ministerial offices and all public offices where the conduct of elected officials must be subjected to public scrutiny and be made to demit office where such behaviours violate the dignity, professionalism and integrity of their office.

When we vote today we must be influenced by a desire for better wages and salaries, better conditions of work, better economic circumstances that will enable we, the people, to provide for our families a decent minimum standard of living.

We must vote to guarantee that our desires, our decisions are taken into consideration because our lives matter. And as a people we have a right to determine what is best for us.

Our interests are best represented alongside the interests of those who share the same geographical space as we do. It is premised on respect, unity, equality and being our brothers’ and sisters’ keeper. This election is about choosing a government that can best forge national unity, peace and prosperity for all Guyanese.

2015 must demonstrate growth in Guyanese politics.


Yours faithfully,
Lincoln Lewis